Celebrate, live, and share Jesus

Coming Up - Deep Sea Divers
Holiday Club for Reception to Year 6
Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th April
9.45am to 12.30pm
Location: Milford Baptist Church, New Road, Milford, Surrey. GU8 5BE.
Email for this event: mbckidsevents@gmail.com
Deep Sea Divers is a three-day children's holiday club, inviting children to become Divers and explore the oceans – diving deep into the sea while learning about Jesus, possibly for the first time. The holiday club is for children in Reception up to Year 6 and is organised by members of Milford Baptist Church. It will be fast moving with lots of fun & games, crazy presenters, video clips, dramas, quizzes, bible stories as well as lots and lots of craft!
If you would like your child to join us for Deep Sea Divers please scan the QR code on the image or simply click here by Friday 4th April. Places are limited, so will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
Parents are invited on Wednesday at 12.15pm to join our finale, followed by a free lunch buffet.
There is no charge for the holiday club, but if you would like to donate we suggest £3 per child per day which includes all crafts, a drink and a mid-morning snack.
We are a community of Christians seeking to:
- Celebrate the goodness of God in worship especially for his gift of Jesus
- Live a life of obedience and service to God and follow the teachings of the bible
- Share God's love with others and serve our local community
Our weekly Sunday service starts at 10:30am. Why not give it a try? Whether you are just looking, never been before, haven't been for a while or gather with the church each week you are most welcome.
Want to find out more about Christianity? Click here to find out more
Mechanics For Africa
We are all on a journey, and it is important to create places we can live, share and celebrate together. Below are a few things we do which could help you belong.